補, 衤, 甫, 用, 丶
supplement, supply, make good, offset, compensate, assistant, learner
候補(こうほ): (1) candidate; contender; prospect; pick; choice; list (2) candidacy; candidature; nomination
補助(ほじょ): (1) assistance; support; aid; help (2) subsidy; supplement; subvention; grant-in-aid (3) auxiliary; subsidiary (4) spot (in bodybuilding)
補償(ほしょう): compensation; reparation
補給(ほきゅう): supply; supplying; replenishment
補強(ほきょう): compensation; reinforcement
補充(ほじゅう): (1) supplementation; supplement; replenishment; replenishing; replacement; refilling (2) to replace; to refill; to replenish
補足(ほそく): supplement; complement
補う(おぎなう): to compensate for; to supplement