
亠, 衣, 里

back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side

裏切る(うらぎる): to betray; to turn traitor to; to double-cross
裏返し(うらがえし): inside out; upside down
裏口(うらぐち): backdoor; rear entrance
裏(うら): (1) bottom (or another side that is hidden from view); undersurface; opposite side; reverse side (2) rear; back; behind (the house) (3) lining; inside (4) out of sight; behind the scenes (5) proof (6) opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.) (7) inverse (of a hypothesis, etc.) (8) bottom (of an inning); last half (of an inning)
裏返す(うらがえす): to turn inside out; to turn the other way; to turn (something) over