光, ⺌, 兀, 一, 儿, 丿
ray, light
光(ひかり): light
観光(かんこう): sightseeing
光景(こうけい): scene; spectacle; sight; view
日光(にっこう): sunlight
光線(こうせん): beam; light ray
蛍光灯(けいこうとう): (1) fluorescent lamp; fluorescent light (2) person who is slow to react; someone slow on the uptake
光る(ひかる): to shine; to glitter; to be bright
光沢(こうたく): brilliance; polish; lustre; luster; glossy finish (of photographs)
光熱費(こうねつひ): cost of fuel and lighting; cost of heat and electricity; energy bill; utility cost
稲光(いなびかり): (flash of) lightning