

万, 一

ten thousand

"万人(ばんじん): (1) all people; everybody (2) ten thousand people
万能(ばんのう): (1) all-purpose; utility (2) almighty; omnipotent
万一(まんいち): (1) emergency; unlikely event (2) by some chance; by some possibility
万歳(ばんざい): (1) crying ""banzai"" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture) (2) something worthy of celebration (3) giving up (4) long time (5) eternal life (and prosperity) (6) banzai (a celebratory cheer); hurrah (hooray, hurray)
万年筆(まんねんひつ): fountain pen
万(まん): (1) 10,000; ten thousand (2) myriad (3) everything; all (4) various
万(ばん): many; all"