

数, 娄, 米, 女, 攵, 𠂉, 乂, 丿

number, strength, fate, law, figures

数字(すうじ): numeral; figure; digit; numeric character
数(かず): number; amount
少数(しょうすう): minority; few
複数(ふくすう): several; plural; plurality; multiple
過半数(かはんすう): majority
回数(かいすう): number of times; frequency; count
数学(すうがく): mathematics; arithmetic
点数(てんすう): marks; points; score; runs; number of items; credits
無数(むすう): countless number; infinite number; innumerable
枚数(まいすう): (1) the number of flat things (2) win-loss difference which influences the ranking of sumo wrestlers
算数(さんすう): arithmetic
数える(かぞえる): to count; to enumerate
回数券(かいすうけん): book of tickets
多数決(たすうけつ): majority rule
手数(てすう): (1) trouble; bother (2) number of moves (in go, shogi, etc.) (3) number of punches (in boxing)
偶数(ぐうすう): even number
奇数(きすう): odd number
小数(しょうすう): fraction (part of); decimal fraction
整数(せいすう): integer; whole number
単数(たんすう): singular number
分数(ぶんすう): fraction
数(すう): (1) several; a number of (2) number; numeral; figure (3) destiny; fate (4) law
御数(おかず): (1) accompaniment for rice dishes; side dish (2) food for thought (esp. in the context of conversation, or material for assisting arousal during masturbation)
数詞(すうし): numeral