

二, 亠, 土, 小, 幺, 糸

elementary, principle, naked, uncovered

素晴しい(すばらしい): wonderful; splendid; magnificent
素材(そざい): raw materials; subject matter
要素(ようそ): (1) component; factor; item (e.g. in list) (2) element (e.g. in array); member (e.g. data structure)
素直(すなお): (1) obedient; meek; docile; unaffected (2) honest; frank; upfront (about one's feelings)
酸素(さんそ): oxygen
素人(しろうと): (1) amateur; novice; layman (2) non-celebrity; member of the general public (3) unlicensed prostitute
水素(すいそ): hydrogen
素朴(そぼく): simplicity; artlessness; naivete
素敵(すてき): lovely; dreamy; beautiful; great; fantastic; superb; cool; capital
素質(そしつ): character; qualities; genius; the makings of
炭素(たんそ): carbon (C)
簡素(かんそ): simplicity; plain
元素(げんそ): chemical element
質素(しっそ): simplicity; modesty; frugality
素早い(すばやい): (1) fast; quick; prompt; nimble; agile (2) quick (to understand); sharp (judgement)
素っ気ない(そっけない): cold; short; curt; blunt
素っ(すっ): most (emphasis); much; greatly