応, 广, 厂, 心
apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept
対応(たいおう): (1) interaction; correspondence; coping with; dealing with; support (2) software support; ability of a computer system to run specific software
応援(おうえん): aid; assistance; help; reinforcement; rooting; barracking; support; cheering
応募(おうぼ): subscription; application
反応(はんのう): reaction; response
応じる(おうじる): to respond; to satisfy; to accept; to comply with; to apply for
一応(いちおう): once; tentatively; in outline; for the time being; just in case; so far as it goes
応用(おうよう): application; put to practical use
適応(てきおう): adaptation; accommodation; conformity
応接(おうせつ): reception
応対(おうたい): receiving; dealing with
相応(そうおう): suitability; fitness
応急(おうきゅう): emergency; first-aid
応ずる(おうずる): (1) to answer; to respond; to meet (2) to satisfy; to accept
相応しい(ふさわしい): appropriate; adequate; suitable