勢, 埶, 土, 儿, 丿, 丸, 九, 乙, 丶, 力
forces, energy, military strength
姿勢(しせい): attitude; posture; stance; approach; carriage (of the body)
情勢(じょうせい): state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
勢力(せいりょく): influence; power; might; strength; potency; force; energy
勢い(いきおい): (1) force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life (2) influence; authority; power; might (3) impetus; momentum; course (of events) (4) naturally; necessarily
態勢(たいせい): attitude; posture; preparedness; readiness
大勢(おおぜい): many; crowd; great number of people
優勢(ゆうせい): superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance
形勢(けいせい): condition; situation; prospects