再, 一, 冉, 冂, 土
again, twice, second time
再び(ふたたび): again; once more; a second time
再建(さいけん): rebuilding; reconstruction; rehabilitation
再生(さいせい): (1) resuscitation; regeneration; restoration to life (2) reformation; rehabilitation (3) playback; regeneration (sound, etc.) (4) reclamation; recovery (5) rebirth; reincarnation
再三(さいさん): again and again; repeatedly
再会(さいかい): another meeting; meeting again; reunion
再発(さいはつ): return; relapse; reoccurrence
再現(さいげん): reappearance; reproduction; return; revival
再来年(さらいねん): year after next
再(さい): re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-
再来月(さらいげつ): month after next
再来週(さらいしゅう): week after next