仮, 亻, 反, 厂, 又
sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal
仮に(かりに): temporarily; provisionally; for example; for argument's sake
片仮名(カタカナ): katakana; angular Japanese syllabary used primarily for loanwords
仮定(かてい): assumption; supposition; hypothesis
平仮名(ひらがな): hiragana; cursive Japanese syllabary used primarily for native Japanese words (esp. function words, inflections, etc.)
仮令(たとえ): even if; if; though; although
仮名遣い(かなづかい): kana orthography; syllabary spelling
振り仮名(ふりがな): furigana (kana over or beside kanji to indicate pronunciation)
送り仮名(おくりがな): kana written after a kanji to complete the full (usually kun) reading of the word (may inflect); declensional kana ending
仮名(かな): kana; Japanese syllabary (e.g. hiragana, katakana)