一, 亅, 并, 手, 戈, 王, 羊, 言
deliberation, consultation, debate, consideration
会議(かいぎ): meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention; congress
議員(ぎいん): member of the Diet, congress or parliament
議会(ぎかい): Diet; congress; parliament
議長(ぎちょう): chairman; speaker (e.g. of assembly); president (e.g. of council, senate, etc.); moderator (e.g. of a newsgroup)
協議(きょうぎ): conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation
決議(けつぎ): resolution; vote; decision
審議(しんぎ): deliberation
議論(ぎろん): argument; discussion; dispute; controversy
抗議(こうぎ): protest; objection
議題(ぎだい): topic of discussion; agenda
参議院(さんぎいん): House of Councillors
討議(とうぎ): debate; discussion
議決(ぎけつ): resolution; decision; vote
衆議院(しゅうぎいん): lower house; House of Representatives
不思議(ふしぎ): wonder; miracle; strange; mystery; marvel; curiosity
論議(ろんぎ): discussion; argument; debate
会議室(かいぎしつ): conference room; council room
異議(いぎ): objection; dissent; protest
議案(ぎあん): (1) legislative bill; measure (2) agenda item
議事堂(ぎじどう): Diet building
物議(ぶつぎ): public discussion; public criticism; controversy
合議(ごうぎ): consultation; conference