字, 宀, 冖, 子
character, letter, word, section of village
"文字(もんじ): (1) letter (of alphabet); character (2) literal
黒字(くろじ): balance (figure) in the black
数字(すうじ): numeral; figure; digit; numeric character
赤字(あかじ): (1) deficit; (being in or going into) the red (2) red text; red letters (3) corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
漢字(かんじ): Chinese characters; kanji
活字(かつじ): printing type
苗字(みょうじ): surname; family name
字(あざ): section of village
英字(えいじ): English letter; alphabetic character
十字路(じゅうじろ): crossroads
ローマ字(ローマじ): Latin alphabet; transliteration of Japanese in ""Roman"" or Latin letters; romanization; romanisation; romaji
字(じ): (1) character (i.e. kanji) (2) hand-writing; penmanship (3) the ... word (i.e. ""the L word"" = ""love"")
字引(じびき): dictionary
習字(しゅうじ): penmanship
字体(じたい): type; font; lettering
当て字(あてじ): kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character"