lack, gap, fail, yawn
"欠陥(けっかん): (1) defect; fault; deficiency; deformity (2) shortage; gap
不可欠(ふかけつ): indispensable; essential
欠席(けっせき): absence; non-attendance
欠点(けってん): faults; defect; weakness
欠乏(けつぼう): want; shortage; famine
欠く(かく): (1) to chip; to nick; to break; to crack (2) to lack
欠ける(かける): (1) to be chipped; to be damaged; to be broken (2) to be lacking; to be missing (3) to be insufficient; to be short; to be deficient; to be negligent toward (4) (of the moon) to wane; to go into eclipse
欠伸(あくび): (1) yawn; yawning (and stretching) (2) kanji ""yawning"" radical (radical 76)"