

好, 女, 子

fond, pleasing, like something

好調(こうちょう): favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape
友好(ゆうこう): friendship
格好(かっこう): (1) shape; form; posture; appearance; manner (2) suitability; moderateness (in price)
好み(このみ): liking; taste; choice
大好き(だいすき): loveable; very likeable; like very much
好意(こうい): good will; favor; favour; courtesy
良好(りょうこう): favorable; favourable; satisfactory
好ましい(このましい): nice; likeable; desirable
好む(このむ): to like; to prefer
好評(こうひょう): popularity; favorable reputation; favourable reputation
好き嫌い(すききらい): likes and dislikes; pickiness (about food); choosiness; fussiness; tastes; preferences
好況(こうきょう): prosperous conditions; healthy economy
物好き(ものずき): (idle) curiosity
好き(すき): liking; fondness; love
好き好き(すきずき): matter of taste
嗜好(しこう): taste; liking; preference