

別, 口, 勹, 丿, 刂

separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially

特別(とくべつ): special
差別(さべつ): discrimination; distinction; differentiation
別に(べつに): (1) (not) particularly; nothing (2) separately; apart
別れ(わかれ): parting; separation; farewell; (lateral) branch; fork; offshoot; division; section
別荘(べっそう): holiday house; villa
性別(せいべつ): distinction by sex; sex; gender
区別(くべつ): distinction; differentiation; classification
別々(べつべつ): separately; individually
格別(かくべつ): exceptional
別れる(わかれる): to be divided; to part from; to separate; to bid farewell
個別(こべつ): particular case; discrete; individual; separate
送別(そうべつ): farewell; send-off
別(べつ): distinction; difference; different; another; particular; separate; extra; exception
一別(いちべつ): parting