転, 車, 云, 二, 厶
revolve, turn around, change
運転(うんてん): operation; motion; driving
移転(いてん): moving; transfer; demise
運転手(うんてんしゅ): driver; chauffeur
自転車(じてんしゃ): bicycle
回転(かいてん): rotation (usu. around something); revolution; turning
転勤(てんきん): job transfer; job relocation; intra-company transfer
転居(てんきょ): moving; changing residence
転換(てんかん): convert; divert
逆転(ぎゃくてん): (sudden) change; reversal; turn-around; coming from behind (baseball)
転じる(てんじる): to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
転落(てんらく): fall; degradation; slump; spill
転々(てんてん): (1) moving from place to place; being passed around repeatedly (2) rolling about
転がす(ころがす): (1) to roll (2) to turn over; to tip over; to throw down (3) to leave (4) to buy and sell (quickly for a profit)
転がる(ころがる): (1) to roll; to tumble (2) to fall over; to roll over (3) to lie down (4) to be scattered about; to be common (5) (of a situation or outcome) to change; to turn out
転ぶ(ころぶ): to fall down; to fall over
転ずる(てんずる): to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
転校(てんこう): change schools
自転(じてん): rotation (usu. on an axis); turning; spin
転任(てんにん): change of post
転回(てんかい): revolution; rotation
転寝(うたたね): dozing; napping (e.g. on the floor in one's clothes, in the train)