


調, 言, 口, 周, 冂, 吉, 士

tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate

調べ(しらべ): (1) investigation; inspection; examination (2) tune; note; melody
調査(ちょうさ): investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
調整(ちょうせい): regulation; coordination; adjustment; tuning; modification; alteration
好調(こうちょう): favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape
順調(じゅんちょう): favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right
調印(ちょういん): signature; signing; sealing
調子(ちょうし): (1) tune; tone; key; pitch; time; rhythm (2) vein; mood; way; manner; style; knack (3) condition; state of health (4) impetus; spur of the moment; strain (5) trend
調停(ちょうてい): arbitration; conciliation; mediation
調理(ちょうり): cooking; food preparation
調和(ちょうわ): harmony
単調(たんちょう): monotony; monotone; dullness
調節(ちょうせつ): regulation; adjustment; control
調味料(ちょうみりょう): flavoring (e.g. salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.); seasoning
協調(きょうちょう): (1) cooperation; conciliation; harmony (2) firm (market) tone
不調(ふちょう): bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump; out of form
同調(どうちょう): sympathy; agreement with; alignment; conformity; tuning
強調(きょうちょう): emphasis; highlight; stress; stressed point
調べる(しらべる): to examine; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search
下調べ(したしらべ): preliminary investigation; preparation
調度(ちょうど): supplies; furniture; fixtures
取り調べる(とりしらべる): to investigate; to examine
失調(しっちょう): lack of harmony