

着, 羊, 䒑, 丿, 目

don, arrive, wear, counter for suits of clothing

着陸(ちゃくりく): landing; alighting; touch down
到着(とうちゃく): arrival
着物(きもの): (1) clothing; clothes (2) kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing)
下着(したぎ): underwear
先着(せんちゃく): first arrival
着る(きる): (1) to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down); to put on (2) to bear (guilt, etc.)
水着(みずぎ): bathing suit; swimsuit; swimmers
落ち着き(おちつき): (1) calmness; composure; presence of mind (2) stability; steadiness
上着(うわぎ): coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
着手(ちゃくしゅ): (1) to start work (on); to undertake (2) embarkation; launch
執着(しゅうちゃく): attachment; adhesion; tenacity
着替える(きがえる): to change one's clothes
着(ちゃく): (1) counter for suits of clothing (2) arriving at ...
着工(ちゃっこう): start of (construction) work
着目(ちゃくもく): attention
着替え(きがえ): changing clothes; change of clothes
着色(ちゃくしょく): colouring; coloring; colorant
着飾る(きかざる): to dress up
肌着(はだぎ): underwear; underclothes; lingerie; chemise; singlet
着せる(きせる): (1) to put clothes on (someone) (2) to plate; to gild; to veneer (3) to accuse (of some crime); to give (a bad name)
落ち着く(おちつく): (1) to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind (2) to calm down; to settle down; to die down; to become stable; to abate (3) to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in (4) to be settled; to be fixed; to have been reached (5) to harmonize with; to harmonise with; to match; to suit; to fit (6) to be unobtrusive; to be quiet; to be subdued
着々(ちゃくちゃく): steadily
着席(ちゃくせき): sit down; seat
たどり着く(たどりつく): to struggle on to; to arrive somewhere after a struggle; to grope along to; to barely manage to reach; to finally arrive at; to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)
着く(つく): (1) to arrive at; to reach (2) to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table)