

名, 夕, 口

name, noted, distinguished, reputation

名(な): name; reputation
名前(なまえ): (1) name; full name (2) given name; first name
名誉(めいよ): honor; honour; credit; prestige
氏名(しめい): full name; identity
有名(ゆうめい): (1) famous (2) fame
署名(しょめい): signature
本名(ほんみょう): real name
名人(めいじん): master; expert
名簿(めいぼ): register of names; list of names; roll; register
名称(めいしょう): name; title
著名(ちょめい): well-known; noted; celebrated
名作(めいさく): masterpiece
名刺(めいし): business card
名所(めいしょ): (1) famous place (2) name of a part (of an instrument, etc.) (3) name and address
名物(めいぶつ): famous product; special product; speciality; specialty
題名(だいめい): title
地名(ちめい): place name
代名詞(だいめいし): (1) pronoun (2) synonym; classic example; pattern; byword; representative
名残(なごり): (1) remains; traces; vestiges; relics (2) (the sorrow of) parting (3) end
名高い(なだかい): famous; celebrated; well-known
片仮名(カタカナ): katakana; angular Japanese syllabary used primarily for loanwords
名付ける(なづける): to name (someone)
名札(なふだ): name plate; name tag; label
姓名(せいめい): full name
平仮名(ひらがな): hiragana; cursive Japanese syllabary used primarily for native Japanese words (esp. function words, inflections, etc.)
名詞(めいし): noun
仮名遣い(かなづかい): kana orthography; syllabary spelling
振り仮名(ふりがな): furigana (kana over or beside kanji to indicate pronunciation)
送り仮名(おくりがな): kana written after a kanji to complete the full (usually kun) reading of the word (may inflect); declensional kana ending
宛名(あてな): (addressee's) name; (recipient's) name and address
仮名(かな): kana; Japanese syllabary (e.g. hiragana, katakana)
記名(きめい): (1) signature; register (2) to put one's name on; to sign (3) stamped name; typed name
名産(めいさん): noted product; local specialty
御名(みな): name of God (esp. in Christian contexts); name of Christ
名(めい): (1) counter for people (usu. seating, reservations and such) (2) first name (3) famous; great (4) name