物, 牛, 勿, 勹
thing, object, matter
物指(ものさし): ruler; measure
買物(かいもの): shopping; purchased goods
贈物(おくりもの): present; gift
乗物(のりもの): vehicle
飲物(のみもの): drink; beverage
人物(じんぶつ): character; personality; person; man; personage; talented man
動物(どうぶつ): animal
建物(たてもの): building
物価(ぶっか): prices of commodities; prices (in general); cost-of-living
物語(ものがたり): tale; story; legend
物質(ぶっしつ): material; substance
植物(しょくぶつ): plant; vegetation
生物(せいぶつ): (1) living things; creature (2) biology
博物館(はくぶつかん): museum
物資(ぶっし): goods; materials
貨物(かもつ): (1) cargo; freight (2) money or assets
本物(ほんもの): genuine article
動物園(どうぶつえん): zoo; zoological gardens
食べ物(たべもの): food
果物(くだもの): fruit
荷物(にもつ): (1) luggage; baggage (2) burden (3) payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
着物(きもの): (1) clothing; clothes (2) kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing)
物理(ぶつり): physics; law of nature
物語る(ものがたる): to tell; to indicate
穀物(こくもつ): grain; cereal; corn
食物(しょくもつ): food; foodstuff
名物(めいぶつ): famous product; special product; speciality; specialty
産物(さんぶつ): product; result; fruit
生き物(いきもの): living thing; animal
物事(ものごと): things; everything
見物(けんぶつ): sightseeing; sightseer; watching; watcher
書物(しょもつ): books
品物(しなもの): goods; article; thing
作物(さくもつ): produce (e.g. agricultural); crops
物体(ぶったい): body; object
実物(じつぶつ): real thing; original; actual
織物(おりもの): textile; fabric
鉱物(こうぶつ): mineral
禁物(きんもつ): taboo; forbidden thing
物置(ものおき): storage room; storeroom; lumber room
偽物(にせもの): spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
編物(あみもの): knitting; knitted material; crochet
農産物(のうさんぶつ): agricultural produce
物足りない(ものたりない): unsatisfied; unsatisfactory
物騒(ぶっそう): dangerous; disturbed; insecure
物議(ぶつぎ): public discussion; public criticism; controversy
物音(ものおと): sounds
忘れ物(わすれもの): lost article; something forgotten
獲物(えもの): game; spoils; trophy; prey
落とし物(おとしもの): lost property
入れ物(いれもの): (1) container; case; receptacle (2) (euph. for) coffin; casket
物好き(ものずき): (idle) curiosity
瀬戸物(せともの): earthenware; crockery; china
物(もの): (1) thing; object (2) the natural thing; a frequently done thing (3) used to express emotional involvement (4) used in giving a reason
物凄い(ものすごい): earth-shattering; staggering; to a very great extent; terrible; frightful; horrible
私物(しぶつ): private property; personal effects
見世物(みせもの): show; exhibition; spectacle
干し物(ほしもの): things dried in the sun (esp. clothes, dyed cloth, etc.)
作物(さくぶつ): literary work
出来物(できもの): tumour; tumor; growth; boil; ulcer; abscess; rash; pimple
物(ぶつ): (1) stock; products (2) stolen goods; loot; spoils