

決, 氵, 夬, 大, 人

decide, fix, agree upon, appoint

解決(かいけつ): settlement; solution; resolution
決議(けつぎ): resolution; vote; decision
決定(けってい): decision; determination
判決(はんけつ): judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree
決算(けっさん): balance sheet; settlement of accounts; reporting (of accounts)
決勝(けっしょう): decision of a contest; finals (in sports)
決して(けっして): never; by no means; not in the least; in no way
決意(けつい): decision; determination
決断(けつだん): decision; determination
採決(さいけつ): vote; roll call
対決(たいけつ): confrontation; showdown
議決(ぎけつ): resolution; decision; vote
可決(かけつ): approval; adoption (e.g. motion, bill); passage
否決(ひけつ): rejection; negation; voting down
決まる(きまる): (1) to be decided; to be settled (2) to look good in (clothes)
決心(けっしん): determination; resolution
決める(きめる): (1) to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix (2) to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match) (3) to persist in doing; to go through with (4) to always do; to have made a habit of (5) to take for granted; to assume (6) to dress up; to dress to kill; to dress to the nines (7) to carry out successfully (a move in sports, a pose in dance, etc.); to succeed in doing (8) to immobilize with a double-arm lock (in sumo, judo, etc.)
決まり(きまり): (1) rule; regulation (2) settlement; conclusion; end; agreement; arrangement (3) habit; custom; habitual way (4) countenance in front of another person; face (5) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute
決(けつ): decision; vote
多数決(たすうけつ): majority rule
決行(けっこう): doing (with resolve); carrying out (i.e. a plan)