有, 月
possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx
有る(ある): (1) to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to exist; to live (2) to have (3) to be located (4) to be equipped with (5) to happen; to come about
有様(ありさま): state; condition; circumstances; the way things are or should be; truth
有効(ゆうこう): validity; legality; availability; effectiveness
有力(ゆうりょく): (1) influential; prominent (2) strong; likely; plausible; potent
有名(ゆうめい): (1) famous (2) fame
有利(ゆうり): advantageous; better; profitable; lucrative
所有(しょゆう): one's possessions; ownership
有無(うむ): (1) existence or nonexistence; presence or absence (2) consent or refusal; yes or no (3) flag indicator; presence or absence marker
有料(ゆうりょう): toll; fee; charge; admission-paid
固有(こゆう): characteristic; traditional; peculiar; inherent; native; eigen-
特有(とくゆう): characteristic (of); peculiar (to)
国有(こくゆう): national ownership
有望(ゆうぼう): good prospects; full of hope; promising
有益(ゆうえき): beneficial; profitable
有能(ゆうのう): able; capable; efficient; skill
有りのまま(ありのまま): the truth; fact; as it is; frankly
有(ゆう): (1) existence (2) possession; having (3) limited company
有難い(ありがたい): grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
有機(ゆうき): organic
私有(しゆう): private ownership
有する(ゆうする): to own; to be endowed with
有難うございます(ありがとうございます): thank you
有り難う(ありがとう): Thank you; Thanks
有らゆる(あらゆる): all; every
有り触れる(ありふれる): to be common
どうも有難うございます(どうもありがとうございます): thank you very much