一, |, 口, 木, 止, 乞, 攵
organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
調整(ちょうせい): regulation; coordination; adjustment; tuning; modification; alteration
整備(せいび): maintenance; servicing; outfitting
整理(せいり): sorting; arrangement; organization; putting in order; adjustment; regulation; liquidation
整う(ととのう): to be prepared; to be in order; to be put in order; to be arranged
整列(せいれつ): standing in a row; forming a line; alignment
整える(ととのえる): (1) to put in order; to arrange; to adjust (2) to get ready; to prepare (3) to raise money
整数(せいすう): integer; whole number
整然(せいぜん): orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim; tidy; accurate