

空, 穴, 宀, 冖, 八, 工

empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum

空港(くうこう): airport
航空(こうくう): aviation; flying
空(から): emptiness; vacuum; blank
空気(くうき): (1) air; atmosphere (2) mood; situation (3) someone with no presence; someone who doesn't stand out at all
空間(くうかん): space; room; airspace
上空(じょうくう): sky; the skies; high-altitude sky; upper air
架空(かくう): (1) aerial; overhead (2) fiction; fictitious; imaginary; fanciful
空中(くうちゅう): sky; air
空き(あき): (1) space; room; emptiness; gap (2) opening; vacancy; empty seat (3) free time; time to spare (4) disuse; unused thing
空想(くうそう): daydream; fantasy; fancy; vision
空っぽ(からっぽ): empty; vacant; hollow
空腹(くうふく): hunger
真空(しんくう): vacuum; hollow; empty
大空(おおぞら): heavens; firmament; sky
空(そら): sky; the heavens
空しい(むなしい): vacant; futile; vain; void; empty; ineffective; lifeless
空く(すく): (1) to become less crowded; to thin out; to get empty (2) to be hungry
空き間(あきま): vacancy; room for rent or lease
空(くう): (1) empty air; sky (2) shunya (emptiness, the lack of an immutable intrinsic nature within any phemomenon) (3) air force (4) fruitlessness; meaninglessness (5) void (one of the five elements)