世, 廿, 十, 一, 丨
generation, world, society, public
世論(よろん): public opinion
世界(せかい): the world; society; the universe
世代(せだい): generation; the world; the age
世紀(せいき): century; era
世帯(せたい): household; home; family; housekeeping
世話(せわ): looking after; help; aid; assistance
世の中(よのなか): society; the world; the times
世間(せけん): world; society
中世(ちゅうせい): Middle Ages; mediaeval times
出世(しゅっせ): success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence
お世辞(おせじ): flattery; compliment
見世物(みせもの): show; exhibition; spectacle
お世話になる(おせわになる): to receive favor (favour); to be much obliged to someone; to be indebted; to be grateful
世辞(せじ): flattery; compliment
お世話(おせわ): help; aid; assistance