科, 禾, 丿, 木, 斗, 丶
department, course, section
百科辞典(ひゃっかじてん): encyclopedia; encyclopaedia
科学(かがく): science
教科書(きょうかしょ): textbook; text book
学科(がっか): (1) study subject; course of study (2) department (university, etc.)
外科(げか): surgical department
理科(りか): science
内科(ないか): (1) internal medicine, i.e. treatment by medical procedures rather than surgical procedures (2) department of internal medicine (hospital, etc.)
科(か): (1) department; section; faculty; school; arm (2) course (of study); branch of study; specialization (3) (taxonomical) family
歯科(しか): dentistry
産婦人科(さんふじんか): maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); department of obstetrics and gynaecology (gynecology)
小児科(しょうにか): pediatrics
社会科学(しゃかいかがく): social science
自然科学(しぜんかがく): natural science
眼科(がんか): ophthalmology
教科(きょうか): subject; curriculum
人文科学(じんぶんかがく): social sciences; humanities
耳鼻科(じびか): otolaryngology; concerning the ear, nose, and throat