会, 人, 云, 二, 厶
meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join
会員(かいいん): member; the membership
会議(かいぎ): meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention; congress
会見(かいけん): interview; audience
会社(かいしゃ): (1) company; corporation (2) workplace
会談(かいだん): conversation; conference (usu. between important people); discussion; interview
議会(ぎかい): Diet; congress; parliament
国会(こっかい): National Diet; parliament; congress
社会(しゃかい): society; public
総会(そうかい): general meeting
大会(たいかい): convention; tournament; mass meeting; rally
会合(かいごう): (1) meeting; assembly (2) association (3) conjunction
会場(かいじょう): assembly hall; meeting place; venue; grounds
機会(きかい): chance; opportunity
集会(しゅうかい): meeting; assembly; gathering; congregation; convention; rally
会話(かいわ): conversation
開会(かいかい): opening of a meeting
学会(がっかい): scientific society; academic meeting; academic conference
会計(かいけい): account; finance; accountant; treasurer; paymaster; reckoning; bill
教会(きょうかい): church
都会(とかい): city
司会(しかい): chairmanship; leading a meeting; presenter; host
展覧会(てんらんかい): exhibition
面会(めんかい): meeting (face-to-face); interview
閉会(へいかい): closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)
宴会(えんかい): party; banquet
再会(さいかい): another meeting; meeting again; reunion
座談会(ざだんかい): symposium; round-table discussion
社会科学(しゃかいかがく): social science
協会(きょうかい): association; society; organization; organisation
会館(かいかん): meeting hall; assembly hall
会議室(かいぎしつ): conference room; council room
出会い(であい): meeting; rendezvous; encounter
会(かい): (1) meeting; assembly; party (2) association; club
会(え): gathering (esp. Buddhist, festive, etc.)