売, 士, 冖, 儿, 丿
売上げ(うりあげ): amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings
小売り(こうり): retail
販売(はんばい): sales; selling; marketing
売買(ばいばい): trade; buying and selling
発売(はつばい): sale; offering for sale; release (for sale); launch (product)
商売(しょうばい): trade; business; commerce; transaction; occupation
売り場(うりば): place where things are sold; point of sale; POS; sales floor; counter (in shop)
売る(うる): to sell
前売り(まえうり): advance sale; booking
売り出す(うりだす): (1) to put on the market; to put out for sale; to put on sale; to begin selling; to market (2) to become popular
売店(ばいてん): shop; stand
売れ行き(うれゆき): sales; demand
特売(とくばい): special sale
売り出し(うりだし): (bargain) sale
売り切れ(うりきれ): sold-out
売り切れる(うりきれる): to be sold out
売れる(うれる): (1) to sell (well) (2) to be well known; to be popular; to be famous