

day, sun, Japan

明日(あした): tomorrow
今日(きょう): (1) today; this day (2) these days; recently; nowadays
日付け(ひづけ): date; dating
昨日(きのう): yesterday
毎日(まいにち): every day
日程(にってい): schedule; program; programme; agenda
日(ひ): (1) day; days (2) sun; sunshine; sunlight (3) case (esp. unfortunate); event
日常(にちじょう): ordinary; regular; everyday; usual
来日(らいにち): arrival in Japan; coming to Japan; visit to Japan
日中(にっちゅう): (1) daytime; during the day (2) Sino-Japanese
曜日(ようび): day of the week
日々(ひび): every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days)
当日(とうじつ): appointed day; very day
日曜(にちよう): Sunday
連日(れんじつ): every day; prolonged
先日(せんじつ): the other day; a few days ago
日記(にっき): diary; journal
元日(がんじつ): New Year's Day
日の丸(ひのまる): (1) outline of the sun (esp. represented as a red circle) (2) the Japanese flag
日ごろ(ひごろ): normally; habitually
期日(きじつ): fixed date; settlement date
平日(へいじつ): (1) weekday; ordinary days (i.e. non-holiday) (2) kanji radical 73
祝日(しゅくじつ): national holiday
日時(にちじ): date and time
日光(にっこう): sunlight
日差し(ひざし): sunlight; rays of the sun
火曜日(かようび): Tuesday
日の出(ひので): sunrise
日帰り(ひがえり): day trip
日向(ひなた): sunny place; in the sun
日課(にっか): daily lesson; daily work; daily routine
日用品(にちようひん): daily necessities
生年月日(せいねんがっぴ): birth date
日焼け(ひやけ): (1) sunburn (2) suntan
日陰(ひかげ): (1) shade; shadow (2) sunshine
日日(ひにち): the number of days; date
夕日(ゆうひ): evening sun; setting sun
十日(とおか): (1) the tenth day of the month (2) ten days
日本語(にほんご): Japanese (language)
日夜(にちや): day and night; always
終日(しゅうじつ): all day; for a whole day
一昨日(おととい): day before yesterday
日取り(ひどり): fixed date; appointed day
月日(つきひ): time; years; days
日当たり(ひあたり): (1) exposure to the sun; sunny place (2) per day
日本式(にほんしき): Japanese style
三日月(みかづき): new moon; crescent moon
明後日(あさって): day after tomorrow
定休日(ていきゅうび): regular holiday; fixed day off; regular closing day
金曜日(きんようび): Friday
九日(ここのか): (1) the ninth day of the month (2) nine days
月曜日(げつようび): Monday
五日(いつか): (1) the fifth day of the month (2) five days
今日は(こんにちは): hello; good day (daytime greeting)
祭日(さいじつ): national holiday; festival day
三日(みっか): (1) the third day of the month (2) three days
四日(よっか): (1) fourth day of month (2) four days
水曜日(すいようび): Wednesday
誕生日(たんじょうび): birthday
土曜日(どようび): Saturday
二日(ふつか): (1) second day of the month (2) two days
日の入り(ひのいり): sunset
日曜日(にちようび): Sunday
八日(ようか): (1) the eighth day of the month (2) eight days
木曜日(もくようび): Thursday
六日(むいか): (1) sixth day of the month (2) six days
一日(いちにち): (1) first day of the month (2) one day
七日(なのか): (1) the seventh day of the month (2) seven days
明明後日(しあさって): (in) three days time (two days after tomorrow)
二十日(はつか): (1) twentieth (day of the month) (2) twenty days
月日(がっぴ): (the) date
一日(ついたち): (1) first day of the month (2) first ten days of the lunar month
日本(にほん): Japan
西日(にしび): westering sun; setting sun
日当(にっとう): daily allowance
悪日(あくにち): unlucky day
一昨昨日(いっさくさくじつ): two days before yesterday; three days back (ago)
日(にち): (1) Sunday (2) day (of the month) (3) counter for days
日(か): (1) day of month (2) counter for days