

廾, 目, 竹, 乞

calculate, divining, number, abacus, probability

予算(よさん): estimate; budget
決算(けっさん): balance sheet; settlement of accounts; reporting (of accounts)
計算(けいさん): (1) calculation; reckoning; count (2) forecast
採算(さいさん): profit
換算(かんさん): conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical)
算数(さんすう): arithmetic
精算(せいさん): exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustment
足し算(たしざん): addition
引き算(ひきざん): subtraction
掛け算(かけざん): multiplication
算盤(そろばん): abacus
割り算(わりざん): division
暗算(あんざん): mental arithmetic