
知, 矢, 天, 大, 口

know, wisdom

知合い(しりあい): acquaintance
知事(ちじ): prefectural governor
知る(しる): to know; to understand; to be acquainted with; to feel
知識(ちしき): knowledge; information
知人(ちじん): friend; acquaintance
知恵(ちえ): (1) wisdom; wit; sagacity; sense; intelligence (2) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)
知的(ちてき): intellectual
通知(つうち): notice; notification; report; posting
承知(しょうち): (1) acknowledgment; acknowledgement; awareness (2) consent; acceptance; assent; admitting; compliance; agreement
未知(みち): not yet known; unknown; strange
知性(ちせい): intelligence
知能(ちのう): intelligence; brains
無知(むち): ignorance; innocence; stupidity
かも知れない(かもしれない): may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
知らせ(しらせ): notice; notification
知らせる(しらせる): to notify; to advise; to inform
旧知(きゅうち): old friend; old friendship