
話, 言, 口, 舌, 千

tale, talk

話合い(はなしあい): discussion; conference
電話(でんわ): (1) telephone call; phone call (2) telephone (device); phone
話(はなし): (1) talk; speech; chat; story; conversation (2) discussions; negotiation; argument
対話(たいわ): dialogue; discussion; conversation; interaction
話題(わだい): topic; subject
会話(かいわ): conversation
世話(せわ): looking after; help; aid; assistance
神話(しんわ): myth; legend
童話(どうわ): fairy-tale
話し合う(はなしあう): to discuss; to talk together
受話器(じゅわき): (telephone) receiver
話す(はなす): (1) to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat (2) to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss (3) to speak (a language)
話し掛ける(はなしかける): to accost a person; to talk (to someone)
話し中(はなしちゅう): busy (phone)
お世話になる(おせわになる): to receive favor (favour); to be much obliged to someone; to be indebted; to be grateful
お世話(おせわ): help; aid; assistance