嫌, 女, 兼, 八, ⺕, 丨
dislike, detest, hate
嫌(いや): disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
嫌い(きらい): (1) dislike; hate (2) suspicion; tendency; smack (of)
機嫌(きげん): (1) humour; humor; temper; mood; spirits (2) safety; health; well-being; one's situation (3) in a good mood; in high spirits; happy; cheery; merry; chipper
嫌う(きらう): to hate; to dislike; to loathe
嫌らしい(いやらしい): unpleasant; disgusting; repulsive; detestable; disagreeable; indecent; lewd; dirty; lascivious
好き嫌い(すききらい): likes and dislikes; pickiness (about food); choosiness; fussiness; tastes; preferences
嫌がる(いやがる): to hate; to dislike
嫌に(いやに): awfully; terribly