自, 目
自ら(みずから): for one's self; personally
自身(じしん): by oneself; personally
自然(しぜん): (1) nature; spontaneity (2) naturally; spontaneously
自宅(じたく): one's home
自動車(じどうしゃ): automobile
自分(じぶん): (1) myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself (2) I; me
自由(じゆう): freedom; liberty; as it pleases you
自己(じこ): self; oneself
自治(じち): (1) self-government; autonomy (2) local (governmental) autonomy
自信(じしん): self-confidence; confidence (in oneself)
独自(どくじ): original; peculiar; characteristic; proprietary
自主(じしゅ): independence; autonomy
自転車(じてんしゃ): bicycle
自動(じどう): (1) automatic; self-motion (2) intransitive verb
自殺(じさつ): suicide
自衛(じえい): self-defense; self-defence
不自由(ふじゆう): (1) discomfort; inconvenience (2) poverty; want; destitution (3) disability; impairment (physical, mental, etc.)
自覚(じかく): self-consciousness; self-awareness
自慢(じまん): pride; boast
各自(かくじ): individual; each
自然科学(しぜんかがく): natural science
自我(じが): self; the ego
自立(じりつ): independence; self-reliance
自在(じざい): freely; at will
自首(じしゅ): surrender; give oneself up
自習(じしゅう): self-study
自ずから(おのずから): naturally; as a matter of course
自惚れ(うぬぼれ): pretension; conceit; hubris
自転(じてん): rotation (usu. on an axis); turning; spin
自尊心(じそんしん): self-respect; conceit
自動詞(じどうし): intransitive verb (no direct obj)